
Corporate philosophy

Any revolutionary idea always starts with innovation. However, ideas necessitate fruitful framework conditions to prosper and to be translated into solid practical concepts and business models.

We at My Real ID have followed this path from the beginning and aspire both to consistently question ourselves and to pro-actively evolve in order to achieve only the best (solution) for our customers and clients.

We form part of a new generation of entrepreneurs that strives for breaking new ground, taking calculable risks and overcoming outdated practices and rigid and slow-paced methods of operating. This mindset helps us to decisively generate our individual contribution to the change that has already begun.

Change requires time, but it is imperative to take advantage of the momentum created by the age of digitalisation here and now and to constantly challenge the status quo. Only those who take account of the signs of the times and who align their actions accordingly, will be able to positively impact upon their environment. Everywhere and at any time.

My Real ID – When innovation meets progress

Latest press releases

2016-06-29 My Real ID kooperiert mit dem Ring Deutscher Makler (RDM)
2015-10-01 My Real ID ist neuer Premiumpartner von BFVI
2015-07-20 My Real ID startet neue Online-Plattform

In the media

2016-06-02 ImmoCompact, "How urbanization is changing real estate and how it fosters proptechs"
2016-06-01 DDIV Aktuell, "Searching and finding tenants"
2016-05-18 ImmoCompact, "This enhances the comparability of applicants and real estate listings"
2016-03-02 NuReBiz - New Business in Real Estate, "The self-disclosure My Real ID"
2016-03-02 NuReBiz - New Business in Real Estate, "Guest contribution: My Real ID"
2016-01-20 DDIV - Newsletter Advertorial, "Question time"
2015-12-10 Immobilien Manager, "Only the viewing will be carried out analogously"
2015-10-27 AIZ The real estate magazine (published by the IVD)
     Expert article: "Digitalisation is changing the real estate market"
     Interview: "How to broker more efficiently - Receiving self-disclosures prior to viewings"
2015-09-30 immo2015 (additional booklet of the IHK magazine for Munich and Upper Bavaria), "Great range"
2015-09-30 IVV - Renting and managing real property, "A new internet platform - Managing self-disclosures digitally"
2015-09-16 United Networker, "My Real ID - Digital self-disclosure and online real estate platform"

Press kit

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Media inquiries & press contact

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